Friday 10 February 2012

Facts About Nail Growth...

So I spend alot of time looking at nails and clients are always asking about nail growth. Here are some fun Facts for you to ponder :)

  • Nails grow faster in summer than winter
  • Children's nails grow faster than older peoples nails
  • Toe nails grow slower than finger nails - even though we think its the other way round!
  • growth between each finger differs with the middle finger growing th fastest and the thumb the slowest
  • Mens nails grow faster than womens (typical!)
  • A computer typist nails will grow faster. Why? Because of extra blood stimulation.
  • Growth rate is 0.5 - 1.2mm per week
  • Nails grow faster in the daytime
  • Nails grow faster when your pregnant 
  • Nails grow faster in the dominant hand
  • If you loose a nail it will grow back as long as you have not damaged the nail matrix!
  • Toe nails are about twice as thick as finger nails
  • Our nails are constantly moist 
  • The longest fingernail recorded was on an Indian man coming in at 48 inches long!
And no I will not paint these for you!!

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Get that Airbrushed look...

There is nothing nicer than looking back on your photos and seeing that picture perfect flawless complexion!!

When doing wedding make up I often ask if the client would like to try airbrushed make up - the benefits of this type of make up are:

  • Airbrush makeup provides flawless coverage by minimizing skin imperfections while giving skin a beautifully natural finished looking result. Airbrush makeup is water resistant and will last for up to twelve hours or more.
  • all skin imperfections including tattoos, scars, vitiligo, stretch marks, post-op surgery patients can be concealed.
Maybe its something you should consider and ask of your makeup artist at your trial... or come in to our beautiful beauty spa and let the girls show you the difference!

Some Bride and Mother of the Bride Airbrush Before and Afters :)

Acne - some truths....

I was just reading over some great facial treatment advice and came across a great article that really got me thinking "do we really treat acne skin that well?'

People who suffer from acne not only have to live with the pain that it causes physically but also the pain it causes mentally. I really make a conscious effort to always read up on the latest treatments and educate myself in order to give my clients the best possible help I can.

The article I was reading by Paul Fister & Sue Dann - The Acne Myth stated that there are four factors that are 'at cause' for acne skin.
1. High levels of sebum production - hormonal levels play a major role in the increasing output of sebum.
2. A disturbance in the desquamation process of corneocytes (shedding of the outer layer of skin). Where clumps of skin can combine with sebum to cause blockages in the pores or hair follicles.
3. An increase in acne causing bacteria
4. Acne bacteria that leads to inflammation of the sebaceous gland, due to the wall of the follicle being breached.

This all being said most of my clients seem to feel that cleansing the skin and getting that 'really squeaky clean' feeling is the right thing to do.... This might be where we are going wrong!

Our skins natural Ph level is around 5.5 being more alkaline. While it is good to clean the skin, making it free from dirt and excess oil, its not so great to give it that super dooper clean feel. This could ultimately be doing more damage than you think.

A good routine is to gently cleanse the skin, removing excess oil without affecting the skins acid mantle. Then if extractions are performed it should be with clean sterile equipment and the skin should be cleared of unwanted bacteria before a drawing mask is applied. The mask helps to draw out any impurities from the skin and assist with unblocking of the follicle. It is important to note here that while a mask may be great, if it leaves the skin dehydrated then it is causing another set of problems - the skin needs to be hydrated in order to perform its natural shedding cycle (remembering that if the skin does not shed, it can cause blockages in the follicle).

The skin should always be finished with some form of suitable hydration. If we aide in the skins natural processes then the skin itself will be able to fight the acne with our assistance. Although beauty treatments can be expensive to some, the benefits of talking to an educated skin professional far outweigh the cost. Being educated about your own skin is the first step to understanding and then treating the concerns you have :)

For more information please feel free to email